Why Join Mount Pleasant Village?
Being a member of Mount Pleasant Village creates opportunities to enjoy group activities, receive volunteer services, and obtain valuable resources, all while making new friends! Whatever your involvement is, the Village provides somewhere to turn in times of need. Members have access to a range of services and benefits that help them as they age to live independently as an active member of our vibrant community.
Membership in the Village is intended for those living south of Piney Branch Parkway, west of 16th Street, N.W., east of Adams Mill Road, N.W., and on Columbia Road, N.W., between 16th and 18th Streets.
The annual membership fee for Mount Pleasant Village is $50 per person or $100 per couple.
How To Join
Fill out the membership application:
If paying by check, mail check to:
Mount Pleasant Village
3213 Mount Pleasant St. NW, #2
Washington, DC 20010
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: membership@mountpleasantvillage.org
PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN: membership@mountpleasantvillage.org
How to Renew Your Village Membership
Renewal notifications are sent to members one month prior to the expiration of their membership. Reminder notifications are sent as the expiration date approaches.
To renew your membership, please follow these easy steps:
- Use your password to log-on to the website.
- Follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through the process.