Volunteerism is at the heart of our Village.
Committees and clusters provide the structures to organize volunteer work and promote social interaction. Click on the cluster link to read about how we group members by proximity. Click on the committee name to see a full description of that committee's work. And contact a committee chairperson or cluster leader to jump in and help! Email addresses and phone numbers are in the membership directory under the Members menu.
Cluster Team Lead: Jill Eden
Communications Committee
Chair: Rebecca Shannon
Diversity Committee
Co-Chairs: Martha Sipple and Leo Sanchez
Finance Committee
Treasurer and Committee Chair: Ross Hamory
Governance Committee
Co-Chairs: Josephine Escalante and Jesse Bump
Membership Committee
Co-Chairs: Michael Burke and Josephine Escalante
Partnership Committee
Co-Chairs: Jan Fenty and Josephine Escalante
Program Committee
Chair: Mary Anne Gibbons
Volunteer Committee
Co-Chairs: Robin Sandenburgh and Tess Amolsch
Development Committee
Chair: Bill Emmet