Cluster Team Leader: Jill Eden

Village Clusters--block-based groupings--provide ready access to the Village and encourage greater connection among members.

Cluster coordinators are Village members who serve as neighborhood resources and personal contacts for Village information and feedback to Village leadership.  Coordinators bring Village neighbors together to overcome isolation and build community at the most grassroots level.

#1 Olivia Cadaval and Houcine Mkais (Irving)
#2 Jodi Crandall (Ingleside)
#3 Judy Byron and Margaret Goodman (Rock Creek Park)
#4 Leo Sanchez (Bancroft)
#5 Katie Tyler (Lamont)
#6 Jill Eden (Oakwood)
#7 Jan Fenty and Carol Beswick (Kenyon)
#8 Cynthia Godes and Susan Lewis (Newton)
#9 Rick Reinhard (Park Rd.)
#10 John Burnim and Elizabeth Prewitt (E. Park)
#11 Carolyn Kari and Elinor Hart (Hobart)
#12 Nancy Shia (Adams Morgan)

Village cluster coordinators are Village members, neighborhood resources, personal contacts for Village information and feedback to Village leadership, representatives who contribute to Village efforts, and community buildings who bring neighbor members together.
