Join or Start a Village Interest Group

Want to learn more about your computer in the company of other Mount Pleasant Village members? Interested in playing bridge or Mah Jong or doing some knitting in good company? Perhaps you want to discuss climate change, Statehood or explore end-of-life issues? There may be an interest group just waiting for you. If not, you might organize one.

Such a group springs up when members or volunteers express an interest and then put one together. Interest Groups are different from, say, a shopping trip with a friend. They are:

  1. Organized by the proposed Interest Group (with help from the Program Committee if requested)
  2. Open to all Villagers
  3. Advertised to the Village membership

    Join a Current Village Interest Group

    The Village groups are advertised in the Village Announcements weekly and can be found on the Village website.

    • Ad Hoc Book Club – group selects and discusses books monthly
    • Mindful Meditation – group meets weekly at members’ homes for meditation
    • Villagers’ Coffee Break – group meets weekly for coffee and conversation

    Form a New Village Interest Group

    • With three or more Village members, discuss the ideas and activities you are interested in organizing around
    • Get help from the Program Committee if you choose by emailing a committee chairperson
    • Announce an information meeting or event to let others know about your group
    • Let the Program Committee know about the idea, plans, and activities
    • Advertise in the Village Announcements

      Examples of Interest groups of other Villages:

      • Balance and Falls Prevention Group
      • The Adventures in Film Discussion Group
      • The Lunch Bunch Group visits area fine dining restaurants for a Dutch treat lunch with good food and great conversation
      • Pulitzer Book Club