Co-Chairs: Martha Sipple and Leo Sanchez

The diversity committee develops strategies and designs activities that foster a Village membership as diverse as the neighborhood itself with respect to race, ethnicity, cultural background, economic status, orientation and gender identity/expression. The Village believes that without a directed and continuous commitment to diversity and inclusion, significant growth will not occur.


The committee provides input to the board of directors and other Village committees to foster inclusiveness in Village membership; collaborates with the membership and communications committees to develop outreach and promotional materials that reflect significant diverse populations in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood; and conducts membership outreach programs/activities to reach the identified populations. The committee plans and implements programs that are inclusive of or specifically designed for diverse neighbors, and conversely, and explores opportunities for the Village/Villagers to act as resources, collaborators, and participants with other Mount Pleasant organizations as resources on diversity. The committee explicitly works to bring programs on racial justice and equity to the larger Village.

(210921RREI2931) Mount Pleasant Village Hello Neighbor Chalk Fest with Chalk Riot (Chelsea Ritter-Soronen) and music by Lilo Gonzalez at Lamont Plaza. Washington DC Sept. 21, 2021 (c) Rick Reinhard 2021 email: