District of Columbia Villages

Capitol Hill Village: www.capitolhillvillage.org
Cleveland & Woodley Park Village: www.cwpv.org
DC Waterfront Village: www.dcwaterfrontvillage.org
Dupont Circle Village: www.dupontcirclevillage.net
East Rock Creek Village: www.eastrockcreekvillage.com
Foggy Bottom West End Village: www.fbwevillage.org
Georgetown Village: www.georgetown-village.org
Glover Park Village: www.gloverparkvillage.org
Greater Brookland Intergenerational Village – www.brooklandvillage.org
Kingdom Care Senior Village: www.kingdomcarevillage.org
Northwest Neighbors Village: www.nnvdc.org
Palisades Village: www.palisadesvillage.org
Pennsylvania Avenue Village East: www.pavillageeast.org

DC Villages Collaborative

DC Villages is a network of thirteen individual Villages located in the District of Columbia that operates as a collaborative. Participating Villages share information, resources, and strategies to strengthen the individual Villages, all of which serve specific areas or neighborhoods within the city.

Website: dcvillages.org

The Washington Area Villages Exchange (WAVE)

WAVE is a forum through which nonprofit Villages in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area share experience and ideas. It works with senior-serving and inter-generational organizations and agencies, and encourages the growth and improvement of the Village movement within the Washington area.

Website: wavevillages.org